Upcoming Events

Sabbath School
Sat 9/7 9:45 am
Church Service
Sat 9/7 11:00 am
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Sat 9/7 1:00 pm
Homeless Ministry
Sat 9/7 1:00 pm

New Pastor Coming in July

Pastor Anthony Rudalf

Pastor Rudalf has a passion for Community Outreach and Youth Ministries and will bring experience and excitement to our church membership.

Pastor and his wife Lucy have 3 children; Celeste, Gabriel and Christine.  

Lucy is Hispanic and will assist in translating information in English to Spanish for our Hispanic members.  We are very thankful for her willingness to serve as translator.

Pastor's first scheduled date to preach is July 6th.  Please join us in welcoming our new pastor and family with a Fellowship Lunch following worship service.


Intercessory Prayer Ministry

Meets weekly following worship. This team prays daily for the needs of our congregation and for friends, family and national and world events.

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Homeless Ministry

Meets weekly following worship. We prepare snacks, water and in winter, gloves, hats, socks, scarves to help meet the needs of the homeless. We pray with them if allowed, then share bibles and tracts with them.

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Bible Correspondence School

Meets weekly following worship. First we pray for our New Bible Study interests, then names are assigned.

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50th Year Anniversary Sermon by Dean Coridan


Are You Adventist _ Pastor Bob Joseph


Survival Attitudes - Angie Joseph


Why This Waste _ Pastor Bob Joseph



13305 Kemper Ave
Independence, MO 64050-1512

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Every Saturday

9:45am: Bible Study

11:00am: Worship Service

1:00pm: Intercessory Prayer Ministry

1:00pm: Homeless Ministry

1:00pm: Bible Correspondence School

Every Third Saturday

1:00pm: Fellowship Meal


6:30pm: Small Groups